the AI extension

for your go-to-market team

interactive AI to automatically educate, qualify and capture potential customers

– so your sales team can focus on what matters

nexwise web application

elevate your pre-sales with our AI Genie

cut your pre-sales time by 40 % and increase the number of qualified leads while enhancing data quality and integrity

Customer Interface

covering inbound and outbound interactions

our interactive AI chat interface converses with prospects to educate them about your solution, qualify and capture them. integrated seamlessly into your website or shared via link.

powered by large language models, the Genie understands complex questions, proactively suggests topics, lowering the barrier for engagement 24/7.
after the prospect provides an email address, she can continue the conversation at any later point in time via magic link. the Genie remembers conversational context.
the Genie has access to pre-curated knowledge on your industry segment, as well as your own website content and any additional knowledge you want to share.
Product screenshot

Pre-Sales Dashboard

interact with the Genie via web application

your sales team has a central overview of all prospect interactions, frequently asked questions, raised concerns and conversational patterns. to improve customer understanding.

the Genie qualifies prospects in a conversational manner, understanding requirements, needs and preconditions. based on criteria defined by you.
seamless human handoff.
your team can easily follow the current state of prospect conversations and take over whenever needed, empowered with the knowledge collected by the Genie.
content to knowledge pipeline.
simply upload relevant data like product specifications, white papers or FAQs. the Genie knows how to utilize it in conversations.
Product screenshot

Start your pilot today

unlock the power of interactive AI in your sales organization - take the first step towards smarter, more efficient pre-sales!

supported by
BMWK Germany
AI.Startup.Hub Hamburg